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  (一)书信类1.公务书信【第一段】自我介绍+写信目的【第二段】过渡句 +关键句【第三段】重申目的+期待回信2.私人书信【第一段】寒暄+写信目的(两句话)【第二段】过渡句+关键句(同公务书信)【第三段】祝福语/重申目的+期待回信(同公务书信)



  (三)告示 (四)纪要


  (一)图表类(英语二重点)图表作文总体框架:【第一段】 整体描述+具体数据描述2句 (静态/动态)【第二段】 过渡句 +现象原因论证 (给了八种原因,选2-3种即可)【第三段】 结论/预测/评价/建议/措施 (给了十句,根据主题选2句)






  4、投诉信; 5、建议信; 6、辞职信; 7、回执函; 8、告示 ; 9、通知;10、纪要



  【第一段】:写信目的(以下是可以替换句子)(1)I am writing this letter for the purpose of expressing/to express my sincere thanks for/apology for/congratulations on...(2)I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere xx to you for...(3)I, to be frank, am writing this letter to express my sincere xx for...(4)Congratulations on your being admitted to Peking University(升学) /your winning a scholarship(获奖学金)/your landing on your dream job(找到工作)/your promotion(升职)/your moving to a new house that you put so much effort into decorating(搬迁)/your eighteenth birthday(生日)/your recovery from illness(生病恢复身体) and best wishes for the whole year!......模板共给了8种替换句


  1.感谢事件:一般是感谢对方提供的帮助/机会等,题目有时候会写明具体事件,如果题目没有写明,只是说“要感谢xx一直以来对的帮助”,那么第一段也可以先笼统地表达感谢,到第二段再详细编一些内容。(1)It was you that got me out of a lot of trouble.(2)giving me a mass of useful information(3)your unwavering kindness to me...

  2.道歉事件 3.祝贺事件 语料素材具体见模板文件




  关键句1:描述具体情况:包括但不限于时间、地点、是什么。(根据题目主题来)(1)Last Wednesday, I collided with a car when I was riding through a crossroads.(2)I have been agonizing over how to choose a suitable college in recent weeks.......

  关键句2:对方提供的帮助:物质的帮助或者精神上的帮助(关心关怀、指导鼓励等)。(1)You were so kind that you took me to the hospital and didn’t leave until my friend arrived.(2)You always encourage me to read extensively(广泛阅读)/use lateral thinking(发散型思维) rather than rely on linear thinking(直线型思维), which is good for my academic performance.......

  关键句3:帮助措施所起的作用:一般是“成功完成了某事”、“获得了某经验”、“提供了某种能力”,比如“已经康复”、“已经成功申请到奖学金”、“取得了满意的成绩”等。(1)Moreover, you have inspired me to maintain a positive outlook and I possess this attribute now.(另外,你鼓励我保持积极的心态,我现在已具备这一特质了。)(2)You showed me that people who can speak two languages display greater creativity and problem-solving ability.......

  关键句4:如果没有对方帮助的后果:如果没有对方帮助,自己将无法完成某事。(1)Without your help, I could not have known the company and colleagues/my shortcomings inside out(透彻了解sth).(2)Without your help, I would not have done it so smoothly and successfully.......


  关键句1:描述具体情况(1)Unfortunately, I have been informed that my flight had been canceled because of the weather change. So I will arrive a day late.(2)It started to rain so heavily on my way back from the library that I had to run. Perhaps it was at the time that I lost your book.......

  关键句2:导致的后果(1)I’m sorry that you have to adjust the meeting process due to my absence.(2)I am fully aware of the irreparable consequences of my ignorance/carelessness.......


  此处补充一句过渡句:sth be an arduous but rewarding process某事需要付出艰苦努力但回报也同样丰厚

  关键句1:取得成功的原因:可以只写主要原因(一般为自身努力),也可以写“主要+次要原因”。(1)“对方自身的天赋和努力”:It is your own intelligence and diligence that have earned you this achievement.(强调句型)(2)“家人/老师/朋友的支持和帮助”:Furthermore, your classmates’ encouragement when you were stressed out also helped you with your tasks.......

  关键句2:取得成功后将要做的事情:比如会在大学继续学业,会挑战更难的工作等,也可以建议ta下一步做什么。(1)Furthermore, you will continue to learn more specialized knowledge in universityhttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/It is obvious that you will continue to do more difficult work.(2)Moreover, you will have the opportunity to meet an army of elite people/to work with mixed-ability students.......

  关键句3:相信对方可以做到I have no doubt that you can overcome the difficulties.



  1.报答措施:邀请吃饭/去音乐会/以帮助回报对方的帮助等。(1)Finally, with your permission, I hope to reimburse your assistance.(2)I would like to invite you to a popular cafe if you are available next Sunday.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  2.补救措施:买一个新的/尽快修好/尽快赶到/尽快解决/尽快完成(1)To make amends, I would like to call the staff to fix it/buy a new one for you as soon as possible.(3)I'll find a feasible alternative to avoiding other contingencies as soon as possible.......

  3.庆祝措施:聚餐/聚会(1)To celebrate this wonderful moment, I think it's time to have a party/have dinner together/to Disneyland next Saturday.(2)If you are in the mood for celebrating, maybe we can take a memorable graduation trip/we can go to that concert you've been waiting for.......

  第三段结尾:重申目的的表达(再次感谢/道歉/祝贺)(1)I humbly ask for your forgiveness and hope you can understand my situation.(2)And if you need any further information, you can contact me at any time(获取更多信息).......模板文件中每种类型的具体模板都给了丰富的语料素材具体格式见模板文件






  整体的结构其实大家都能把握,但是,想要得一个不错的分数,细节很重要。第一段要用什么形式的句子才能描述好数据的变化?第二段要用什么样的原因来解释?原因怎么写才能显得不敷衍?第三段改怎么总结?除了总结还要写什么东西?等等这些都是我们模板中要解决的问题。大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!



  这两类题目在写作时主要的区别在于第一段怎么写,动态图需要描述数据随时间变化的变化趋势,而静态图则需要描写在一定时间内不同对象的占比或数量(对比)。 所以我在模板中根据两类不同的作文题目给出了第一段的两种写法。图表作文总体框架:【第一段】 整体描述+具体数据描述2句 (静态/动态)【第二段】 过渡句+现象原因论证 (给了八种原因,选2-3种即可)【第三段】 结论/预测/评价/建议/措施 (给了十句,根据主题选2句)

  在大作文模板中,只有第一段是不相同的,二三段可以通用。大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!






  1.社会:(1)With globalization/the aging population/rapid urbanization,sth. is extremely affecting sb.(students/adolescents),which leads to+后果(名词或者宾语从句)例句:With the aging population,pensions crisis is extremely affecting people,which leads to a heavy burden on the younger generation.(2)Owing to the quickening pace of life, sth. is stimulating everyone to do sth.(生活节奏加快)......

  2.经济(1)The turbulent business environment and the unstoppable technological progress have accounted for the unpredictability of the job market.(increasingly fierce competition)(经济不景气、科技不断发展)(2)Initially, there is no doubt that recent years have witnessed the rapid development of the economy, and people’s living standards have been improved remarkably, as a result of which, an increasing number of people are likely to……(经济向好发展)......

  3.科技发展:(1)Secondly,the evidence that+句子(科技进步的证据)+ manifests that there have been rapid advances in technology. Result from technological advancements, +句子表示科技进步的结果……(2)Like the internet, sth have/has brought lots of convenience to our lives.(可以是某种科技,也可以是让人生活便利的制度、习俗等)......

  4.环境;5. 政策;6. 人们观念改变;7.人们意识不足;8.人的需求变化......每种原因都给了很多句子

  参考句式:(1)It can be said that it is + adj + for sb. to do sth (用于形容对某人来说做某事怎么样,可用来写某一原因)例句:It can be said that it is quite difficult for people to make an appointment with friends or join a group to do physical exercise.(2)It is common knowledge that……(后面加上一个陈述事实的句子)例句:It is common knowledge that people prefer to live in cities and towns for the convenience of the transportation system.......

  可以从两个方面描写,一是结合自己的看法预测将来的趋势,或对现象进行评价,二是根据预测给出建议和措施。第三段我给了10个句子,可以根据题目来自由组合(2句即可),十分灵活,举例:(1)Taking all these factors into consideration, we may predict that with the quickening pace of …… and ever-increasing ……, the number of …… will keep growing(falling, unchanged) in the forthcoming decade.(预测趋势)(2)From the analysis above, a conclusion can be drawn safely that the trend of……may become more prevalent(is inevitable) in the future.(预测趋势)(3)As is known to us all,……is/are to……as water and air are to the normal growth of all creatures.(比喻,放在最后强调重要性)......








  1.描述图片(主角+动作)(1)The picture\drawing\photo\visual representation above vividly\symbolically\subtly\humorously illustrates\demonstrates\shows\reflects\describes\depicts\represents\portrays\reveals +名词\that......(宾语从句描述图画)(2)Below/Beside the drawing, there is a caption which indicates......(有小标题的图)(3)The title/subtitle indicate.......(有小标题的)......


  (1)当画面主体在做两个同时进行的动作时Faced with sthhttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/Facing sth., sb. is doing sth.,while another man/one is doing sth..In the picture,there are two _____ with different attitudes to _____ . More exactly,one of them_____,whereas the other ______......

  (2)当出现两幅对比的图片时In one picture,there is/are sthhttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/表语从句. On the contrary/by comparison/in contrast/alternatively/conversely/instead, in the other picture,there is/are sthhttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/表语从句.As is shown above,in the left picture,there is/are .......,who\which attempts to do sth. By contrast,in the right picture, the other one is doing sth.......

  (3)当画面描述某人在做一件事情时Sb/sth be done(被动语态),which+定语从句(修饰前面的句子) 例句:She is noticed by her teacher,which makes her happy.It seems rather +adj to present people/sth+后置定语或者定于从句+when they attempt to do sth.......

  1.揭示画面寓意1句(1)Simple as the picture is, it does demonstrate a status quo which is worthy of our attention and discussion+that+陈述画面寓意的句子(主题值得探讨和注意的现象时使用)(2)Despite a little exaggeration, there is a deeper meaning behind the picture that+同位语从句修饰meaning(大部分情况都可以用)(3)Upon critically analyzing this photo,most individuals would agree\believe\hold that ......is a contentious issue which needs additional consideration.(主题有争议的情况下使用)......(共12句)



  1.社会:(1)With globalization/the aging population/rapid urbanization,sth. is extremely affecting sb.(students/adolescents),which leads to+后果(名词或者宾语从句)例句:With the aging population,pensions crisis is extremely affecting people,which leads to a heavy burden on the younger generation.(2)Owing to the quickening pace of life, sth. is stimulating everyone to do sth.(生活节奏加快)......

  2.经济(1)The turbulent business environment and the unstoppable technological progress have accounted for the unpredictability of the job market.(increasingly fierce competition)(经济不景气、科技不断发展)(2)Initially, there is no doubt that recent years have witnessed the rapid development of the economy, and people’s living standards have been improved remarkably, as a result of which, an increasing number of people are likely to……(经济向好发展)......

  3.科技发展:(1)Secondly,the evidence that+句子(科技进步的证据)+ manifests that there have been rapid advances in technology. Result from technological advancements, +句子表示科技进步的结果……(2)Like the internet, sth have/has brought lots of convenience to our lives.(可以是某种科技,也可以是让人生活便利的制度、习俗等)......

  4.环境;5. 政策;6. 人们观念改变;7.人们意识不足;8.人的需求变化......

  ----相关事实:(1)There is no denying the fact that+同位语从句修饰fact(2)Among all the touching facts related to this topic that I have noticed and experienced, the most impressive one is+名词词组/表语从句......

  ----反方角度:先提出反方观点,再提出自己的观点对反方观点进行驳斥或者补充(1)It is true that +主语从句, namely, +与前面句子相同的意思相同的成分. And it also goes without saying that +主语从句. But does this mean that +句子?例句:It is true that we can gain trust when we simply tell the truth,namely,just be honest.although in some specific moment,it will be better for us to tell a white lie.And it also goes without saying that when it comes to our own weakness,honesty is the best for long-term cooperation and relationships. But does this mean that we should just tell the truth in any situation?(2)It is +adj for sb. to do sth.,although+反方观点......

  ----举例论证:(1)The importance 某个名人 attaches to 某种品质 has played an irreplaceable role in his / her remarkable achievements so far such as名人的成就(需要用名词性成分)(2)Take sbhttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/sth. as an example.+实例(某人/某事为例)......

  ----影响角度(正负面):(1)对个人:For a person ,one’s living surroundings(或替换成其它名词:性格,发展,身体健康,寿命,职业,兴趣,多样性,幸福 character/ development/ good health/ life/ occupation/ interest/ diversity/happiness) will be greatly influenced and even reshaped by his characteristics and life habits(可以换成主题词,正面和负面的主题词都可以)(2)对社会:For society,because of+主题词,there will be a harmonious and prosperous phenomenon,which is conducive to building a beautiful future.(对社会的正面影响)(3)对国家;(4)对文化的影响;(5)(6)(7)......

  1.归纳评论(1)As far as I am concerned…itself is not good or bad and we can benefit a lot from…as long as we take a good control over them.(2)All in all, obviously, this picture inspires us to explore the deep meaning of…(主题)......

  2.建议措施(1)From my personal perspective,while we are enjoying the benefits brought by…,we should keep a watching eye on those negative practices.......

  3.表达期许(或总结观点、发出呼吁)(1)Only by doing so can our society be more harmonious,our economy be more prosperous and we ,as individuals,embrace more promising prospect.......





  Many Cities have vehicle-free days, when people are required or encouraged to take a bus,cycle or travel by taxi.(以下是改写方法)(1)主动改被动:Traveling by bus, cycling or using the taxi service is promoted in some cities on vehicle-free days,When people are not allowed to drive cars.(2)用there be句型:There are cities which promote different forms of transport such as taking a bus,traveling by bike and taking a taxi on vehicle-free day.(3)强调句............


  可以选择的立场包括完全支持、完全反对、部分支持和部分反对。注意扣题,要出现关键词!(1)I strongly/completely/totally/firmly/personally/deeply believe/agree that......(2)I basically/largely/partly/ agree that......although............



  总结自己的立场,扣题的同时用词不要重复。(1)In conclusion,i believe that+自身观点总结(2)To summarize,while i understand that +反方观点,i would argue that+自身观点......

  很多同学都害怕自己上了考场,写作文的时候想不起来这个作文的中心词/主题词。针对这种情况,我参考时事热点,分类整理了几百个作文的主题词,例如:老龄问题;社会保障 social security medical care;population explosion; the aging problems老龄化社会 the aged society人口老龄化 population aging计划生育ZC the family planning policy/ the one-child policy志愿者/志愿者活 动/志愿服务 volunteer/volunteering/volunteering service低碳生活 low carbon lifestyles家庭教育 family education内卷 involution......

  此外,大家还可以像我一样去补充一些常见词汇的高级替换(介词、连词、形容词、副词),例如:Firstly: previously, beforehand, foremost, initially, originally, formerly, principally, mainly, essentially, basically, generally, commonly, universally, on the whole, fundamentally, to begin with, to start with, first of all, at the outset...Then: subsequently, afterward, thereafter, after that, succeeding (adj), secondarily, what is more, furthermore (further more).........


  大家可以根据我的思路去整理作文模板,感觉有用记得手留余香哈 ♪(・ω・)ノ点赞收藏不迷路






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